Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Doran and Jenner

The weather this weekend was ridiculous. Completely clear blue skies, temperatures in the 80's, a warm breeze, the smell of sunscreen and sweat, it was perfect. I was peeved that I had to wake up at 8 on Friday, one of the only days I get to sleep in, to go to a marine bio field trip to Bodega Bay. Little did I know that I was going to thoroughly enjoy being forced out of my bed and onto the beautiful coast. First we went to Doran Beach which I had never been to before. It was a great beach, definitely a perfect place to sunbathing and dipping the water without the threat of big scary waves.
For my field trip my class and I collected and surveyed sand crabs. I was anticipating it being creepy but I actually had a lot of fun. It was very hands-on and forced us to get in the water a bit which was fun and refreshing. We played in the water while collecting important data for marine biologists in the area.
We played some frisbee, ate lunch, then headed over to Jenner to see some Harbor Seals. The view driving down to Jenner was breathtaking and I made my friend pullover so I could take some pictures. I felt like I was in Cabo.

We observed and documented the adorable seals and even got to watch a mother teach her pup how to swim. Jenner was also very beautiful, another place I need to go back too. It's not ideal for swimming because there's a strong shore break, but great for hanging at the beach and going for a walk. I'm in love with northern California's coast. Go outside. That is all.

This song accompanied me all weekend. I would say I'm obsessed. I love Daft Punk and I'm so excited for their new album coming out next month. This is their first single, and I LOVE it. It features Pharell Williams, who I also love. I'm stoked that Daft Punk is bringing back that funky vibe. I live for that shit.
Get Lucky - Daft Punk

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